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    Candidate Questionnaire
    As Received from the Candidate

    The Citizens For A Better America ®

    CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire ™

    John Howard Sterne - Ranking 82.051%

    >This is being e-mailed on _09_/_27_/2004
    CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire™ Introduction and Instructions
    >The Citizens For A Better America (R)
    >CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire (TM)
    >If you do not want made public any of this contact
    >information please write "I Will Not Disclose." instead
    >of the information. These are the same type questions
    >you would have been asked when filing to run as a
    >My name will appear on the ballot as?:
    >__John Howard Sterne______________________________.
    >I am running for the office of?:
    >____State Assembly________________________________.
    >DISTRICT #:_54___ or
    >I am running for a Statewide Seat [].
    >In the State of?: __California______
    >My District is within the following Counties:_Los Angeles_.
    >My District includes all of the following Cities: Long Beach___.
    >My District includes some of the following Cities: Palos Verdes__.
    >My name will appear on the?_11/___/_2004__ ballot
    >[_X_] YES, [__] NO.
    >Please check what type of ballot your name will be on.
    >[] Primary Election Ballot.
    >[X] General Election Ballot.
    >Most states have a closed Primary Election Ballot.
    >That means that only voters registered in your
    >political party will be able to vote for you.  If you
    >are seeking our endorsement for a Primary Election
    >Ballot then please list the political party ballot you
    >are on.  Citizens For A Better America (R) absolutely
    >does not determine it's endorsement based on your
    >political party but how you answer the questions on the
    >CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire (TM).  We are making
    >this request because we have had requests from voters
    >so that they would have an easier time trying to find
    >you on their ballots.
    >I am on the __Libertarian __ Political Party Ballot.
    >My phone number is?:(__562______)___433-2358________
    >My web site address is?: ________N/A_________________
    >My e-mail address is?: ____j_sterne@hotmail.com__________
    >I reside in the County of?: ___Los Angeles_______________
    >My mailing address is?: __817 Mira Mar Ave. Apt. D___________
    >City?: _____Long Beach________________________________
    >State?: __California__________________ Zip?: ___90804______
    >If applicable and I am endorsed by CFABA.ORG, please
    >consider extending my endorsement through the Final
    >Election.  (As an example if you are seeking our
    >endorsement for the Primary Election then you would
    >want CFABA.ORG to consider endorsing you, if you win
    >the Primary Election, for the General Election).
    >[_x_] YES, [__] NO.
    >If elected would there be any reason for you not to be
    >able to serve out your entire term? As an example, some
    >pending legal, health, or other problem.
    >[__] YES, [_x_] NO.
    >01.      Why are you running for this office?  (We will
    >          post the answer to this question on our
    >          Internet Website, see the example of one
    >          endorsed candidate at
    >          [http://www.GoodGuysList.org/gg00031.htm]
    >          _To give the voters a chance to vote for limiting
    >          _intrusion into our lives. ie: The government that
    governs least,
    >governs best.__
    >02.      There are efforts to legalize currently
    >          illegal drugs.  What are your thoughts about
    >          such legislation?
    >[x] Support,   [] Oppose,   [] I Don't know.
    >03.      All candidates for public office when elected
    >          are faced with very difficult decisions about
    >          how, when and where to spend the funds of the
    >          entity that they have just been elected to.
    >          Can you really make the tough decisions not
    >          only now but in the future when it's a lot
    >          harder in your political life to balance the
    >          budgets, cut staffs, make cutbacks and so on,
    >          even if you are opposed by the entities
    >          employees, the media and even part of the
    >          general public and will you commit to do so
    >          with compassion, and understanding of the
    >          people that you are affecting with your
    >          decision(s)?
    >[x] Yes,   [] No,   [] I Don't know.
    >04.      On November 20, 1993, the U.S. Congress and
    >          President passed the NORTH AMERICAN FREE TRADE
    >          AGREEMENT (NAFTA), H.R.  3450.  What is your
    >          position regarding legislation like H.R. 3450?
    >[] Support,   [x] Oppose,   [] I Don't know.
    >05.      On December 1, 1994, the U.S. Congress and
    >          President passed the URUGUAY ROUND AGREEMENTS
    >          ACT, H.R.  5110.  The Senate record vote
    >          analysis says the following: "The World Trade
    >          Organization (WTO) will serve as the successor
    >          to the GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and
    >          Trade) to implement the agreements reached in
    >          the Uruguay Round." What is your position
    >          regarding legislation like H.R. 5110?
    >[] I Support the whole agreement,
    >[x] I Oppose the whole agreement,
    >[] I Oppose the WTO portion but support the GATT
    >      portion,
    >[] I Don't know.
    >06.      There are current attempts in various states
    >          to have the states call a U.S. Constitutional
    >          Convention.  What are your thoughts about a
    >          U.S.  Constitutional Convention?
    >[] I would support it, if I supported the amendment,
    >      the U.S. Constitutional Convention was called for.
    >[x] I would oppose it, even if I supported the
    >      amendment, the U.S.  Constitutional Convention was
    >      called for.
    >[] I Don't know.
    >07.      What is your position on abortion?
    >Are you: [x] Pro-choice, or [] Pro-life?
    >08.      Describe in detail your stand on abortion, how
    >          will your public policy reflect your personal
    >          stand? (Must be answered)
    >          _Personally, I am pro-life. However, I do not believe it
    is the
    >governments business____
    >          _or responsibility to try and legislate morality to
    >09.      What is your position on the legalization of
    >          homosexual marriage, civil union, or
    >          registered partner legislation?
    >[] Support,   [x] Oppose,   [] I Don't know.
    >10.      There are current efforts in various levels of
    >          government to add "affectional or sexual
    >          orientation" or similar language to either
    >          civil rights or employment laws.  What are
    >          your thoughts about such law changes?
    >[] Support,   [x] Oppose,   [] I Don't know.
    >11.      I believe that parents who take their kids out
    >          of the public education system or who never
    >          put them in the public education system
    >          because they are home schoolers should be...
    >          (please complete)
    >[x] Supported,   [] Opposed,   [] I Don't know.
    >12.      Given recent Supreme Court rulings which have
    >          prohibited prayer in public schools, would you
    >          support either the use of Article III, Section
    >          2, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution to exempt
    >          the
    >          appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in
    >          such cases, or a law by the U.S.  Congress
    >          which would allow voluntary prayer in public
    >          schools and the posting of the Ten
    >          Commandments on the walls of public school
    >          classrooms and courtrooms?
    >[] Yes, I would support it.
    >[x] No, I would not support it.
    >[] I Don't know.
    >13.      On May 5, 1994, the U.S. Congress and
    >          President passed H.R.  4296, "Assault Weapons
    >          Ban".  The 1994 CQ (Congressional Quarterly)
    >          Almanac states that passage of this bill would
    >          "ban the manufacture and possession of 19
    >          types of semiautomatic weapons and high-
    >          capacity weapons and high-capacity ammunition
    >          clips but exempt existing guns and about 670
    >          guns that are deemed to have a legitimate
    >          sporting purpose." What is your position
    >          regarding legislation like H.R. 4296?
    >[] Support,   [x] Oppose,   [] I Don't know.
    >14.      President George W. Bush and the two previous
    >          Presidents, Clinton and Bush have been
    >          advocates of Goals 2000 as a method of
    >          education reform.  What are your thoughts
    >          about Goals 2000?
    >[] I support it, completely,
    >[] I support most of it, but not all of it,
    >[x] I oppose it, completely,
    >[] I oppose most of it, but not all of it,
    >[] I Don't know.
    >15.      President Clinton and the majority of Congress
    >          in the summer of 1997 approved Most Favored
    >          Nation (MFN) status for Mainland China, in the
    >          hopes that opening up trade with them would
    >          motivate them to stop their human rights
    >          violations and religious persecution.  That
    >          status became permanent in 2000.  If it were
    >          reverted back to being voted on annually, how
    >          would you vote?
    >[] I would support giving China MFN status.
    >[x] I Oppose giving China MFN status.
    >[] I Don't know.
    >16.      Congressman Don Young on February 27, 1997
    >          reintroduced "The American Land Sovereignty
    >          Protection Act of 1997", H.R. 901 to reverse
    >          the Clinton Administration policy of being
    >          able to put 46 U.S. National Parks under
    >          United Nations Control.  What is your position
    >          regarding legislation like H.R. 901?
    >[x] Support,   [] Oppose,   [] I Don't know.
    >17.      On October 10, 1995 the U.S. Army commanded
    >          Army Specialist Michael New to exchange the
    >          uniform of the U.S.  Army for that of the
    >          United Nations.  Army Specialist Michael New
    >          refused and the U.S. Army court-martialled and
    >          gave him a Bad Conduct Discharge for making
    >          this decision. What is your position regarding
    >          Army decisions like this?
    >[] Support,   [x] Oppose,   [] I Don't know.
    >18.      Individuals, Organizations including but not
    >          limited to Universities, and Companies, in the
    >          U.S.A.  as well as around the world are
    >          attempting to clone human beings.  What is
    >          your position concerning human cloning?
    >[x] Yes, in order to aid research I support human
    >      cloning.
    >[] No, I believe that human cloning is immoral and
    >      should be opposed.
    >[] I Don't know.
    >19.      On August 09, 2001, President George W. Bush
    >          announced that he will support embryonic Stem
    >          Research.  What is your position regarding
    >          federal government funding and involvement
    >          allowing embryonic Stem Cell Research?
    >[] Support,   [x] Oppose,   [] I Don't know.
    >20.      Since the events of 09/11/2001 there has been
    >          great discussion about the United State's
    >          dependence on foreign oil.   There is great
    >          concern that dependence on imported oil
    >          especially from countries in the Middle
    >          Eastern area of the World has brought about a
    >          debate about what we as a country ought to do
    >          to solve this great challenge.  Will you
    >          support all efforts for conservation and ways
    >          to increase the United States of America's own
    >          resources of oil exploration?
    >[x] Yes, I would support efforts.
    >[] No, I oppose these efforts.
    >[] I Don't know.
    >21.      Before the events of 09/11/2001 and after
    >          there have been calls for the U.S.A. to have
    >          everyone have and be able to show a National
    >          Identification (ID) Card.  Will you support
    >          the U.S.A. issuing a National Identification
    >          Card?
    >[] Yes, I support such efforts.
    >[x] No, I do not support such efforts.
    >[] I Don't know.
    >22.    In response to 09/11 should the U.S.A. seek
    >        diplomatic, commercial and if necessary military
    >        means to pursue the identification, location and
    >        elimination of terrorists networks anywhere in
    >        the world in opposition to the United Nations
    >        (U.N.)?
    >[x] Yes, I would support such efforts.
    >[] No, I would not support such efforts.
    >[] I Don't know.
    >23.      It has been proposed that the United Nations
    >          implement taxes or fees on world commerce or
    >          the nations of the world.  Do you support such
    >          proposals?
    >[] Yes, I would support such proposals.
    >[x] No, I would not support such proposals.
    >[] I Don't know.

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    >24.      You may be aware that Unsolicited E-Mails that
    >          are Pornographic or are invitations to
    >          Pornographic Internet Websites are now sent
    >          indiscriminately to E-Mail addresses without
    >          any concern as to whether the recipients are
    >          minors.  To protect minors would you support
    >          law(s) against sending Unsolicited
    >          (i.e. without individuals signing up
    >          to receive such E-Mails) pornographic or
    >          sexual type E-Mails?
    >[] Yes, I would support such laws.
    >[x] No, I would not support such laws.
    >[] I Don't know.
    >25.      On June 26, 2002 the 9th Circuit Court of
    >          Appeals in San Francisco, California issued a
    >          ruling that it is "unconstitutional" to recite
    >          the Pledge of Allegiance with the word God in
    >          schools with the word God in public
    >          gatherings, because it violates the myth of
    >          separation of church and state.  What is your
    >          position concerning this decision?
    >[] Yes, I believe that the decision was correct.
    >[x] No, I believe that the decision was wrong.
    >[] I Don't know.
    >26.      On May 28, 2002 the Cypress City Council in
    >          California with the Board of Directors of the
    >          Cypress Redevelopment agency voted to condemn
    >          the land purchased for the construction of a
    >          new Church building by Cottonwood Christian
    >          Center.  The city intended to give
    >          Cottonwood's property to Costco, or a
    >          developer that builds a tax-generating
    >          facility.  Do you support the decision made by
    >          Cypress City governmental bodies to take the
    >          Church's property by Eminent Domain?
    >[] Yes, I believe that the decision was correct.
    >[x] No, I believe that the decision was wrong.
    >[] I Don't know.
    >27.      On February 21, 2002 the City of Pico Rivera,
    >          California announced in a News Release that
    >          U.S.  District Court Judge Dickran Tevrizian
    >          ruled against the City's ability to regulate
    >          adult-oriented businesses within their
    >          jurisdiction.  Do you believe that a city has
    >          the ability to regulate adult oriented
    >          establishments within its jurisdiction?
    >[x] Yes, I do.
    >[] No, I do not.
    >[] I Don't know.
    >28.      There have been efforts in various states to
    >          allow illegal aliens to obtain driver's
    >          licenses.  The proponents of such moves
    >          communicate that providing driver's licenses
    >          for illegal aliens will make our streets and
    >          highways safer. Opponents believe it will not.
    >          Do you believe that illegal aliens ought to be
    >          able to obtain driver's licenses?
    >[] Yes, I do.
    >[x] No, I do not.
    >[] I Don't know.
    >29.      Recently there has been renewed debate about
    >          teaching creation as well as evolution in
    >          public schools.
    >          A spokesman for Vice President Al Gore in
    >          August 1999 announced that the vice president
    >          "favors the teaching of evolution in the
    >          public schools," adding the decision should be
    >          local and "localities should be free to teach
    >          creationism as well."
    >          President Clinton through his spokesman, Joe
    >          Lockhart said: "I think the president believes
    >          the curriculum is by law and by all common
    >          practice left to local school boards," White
    >          House Press Secretary Joe Lockhart said.  "I
    >          think the president believes, that the local
    >          school boards, though, are bound by the law
    >          of the land and the Supreme Court has
    >          spoken very clearly on this issue."
    >Do you believe that the Local Board of Education or the
    >State Board of Education should have the right to allow
    >the teaching of creationism and evolution on an equal
    >[x] Yes, I do.
    >[] No, I do not.
    >[] I Don't know.
    >30.      On October 26, 2001, President Bush signed the
    >          USA Patriot Act (USAPA) into law after its
    >          passage through the Congress of the United
    >          States of America.  There has been some debate
    >          since then that the provisions allowing for
    >          surveillance on Americans went too far in the
    >          passage of USAPA.  Which one of the following
    >          most correctly describes your philosophy?:
    >[] In time of war, I believe that the government of
    >      the United States should be given whatever power
    >      they need to combat terrorism even if there are
    >      challenges to the Bill of Rights in the
    >      Constitution.
    >[x] I believe that the founding fathers of the United
    >      States put in checks and balances into our
    >      government such as the Constitution and especially
    >      the first ten amendments also called "The Bill of
    >      Rights," and those should not be eliminated.
    >31.      Since September 11, 2001 there has been a
    >          great deal of discussion in both the U.S.A.,
    >          and in Middle Eastern Arab Muslim Countries,
    >          about whether Israel has a right to exist as a
    >          country.  There are many in those countries
    >          that believe that Israel does not have a right
    >          to exist.
    >[x] I believe that Israel has a right to exist as a
    >      Country and it is duty of the U.S.A. to enforce
    >      it's right to exist, as the U.S.A. has already
    >      committed to do by a defense treaty.
    >[] I do not believe that Israel has a right to exist,
    >      and I will work to end the United States
    >      commitment of enforcing Israel's right to exist.
    >[] I Don't know.
    >32.      On February 4, 2004, President George W. Bush
    >          made the following Statement on Massachusetts'
    >          Court Ruling.  "Today's ruling of the
    >          Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court is deeply
    >          troubling. Marriage is a sacred institution
    >          between a man and a woman. If activist judges
    >          insist on re-defining marriage by court order,
    >          the only alternative will be the constitutional
    >          process. We must do what is legally necessary
    >          to defend the sanctity of marriage."
    >[x] I believe that Marriage is a sacred institution
    >      between a man and a woman.  I understand that
    >      making changes to the U.S. Constitution is a
    >      serious undertaking and should not be taken
    >      lightly.  I also understand that this answer does
    >      not differ to my answer to your question 06.
    >      However, I would support a U.S.  Constitutional
    >      Amendment that defends marriage as only between a
    >      man and a woman.
    >[] I believe that Marriage is a sacred institution
    >      but is not restricted to just between a man and a
    >      woman.  I would not support a Constitutional
    >      Amendment that defends marriage as only between a
    >      man and a woman.
    >[] I Don't know.
    >33.      Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the U.S.
    >          Constitution, drafted in 1787, says that only
    >          natural-born Americans at least 35 years old
    >          who have lived in the country for 14 years can
    >          serve as President or Vice President.
    >          There is bi-partisan support for a
    >          Constitutional Amendment to change that
    >          requirement.  Including, but not limited to
    >          California's Republican Governor Arnold
    >          Schwarzenegger and Michigan's Democrat
    >          Governor Jennifer Granholm, both of whom were
    >          born outside of the U.S.A.
    >          Would you support a Constitutional Amendment
    >          making it possible for non natural born
    >          citizens of the United States to be eligible
    >          for the country's highest office, the
    >          Presidency of the U.S.A.?
    >[] Yes, I would.
    >[x] No, I would not.
    >[] I Don't know.
    >34.      There has been a great deal of discussion that
    >          the U.S.A. should join the International
    >          Criminal Court also known as the ICC.  The
    >          ICC's decisions would be binding on U.S.
    >          Citizens.  Would you support the U.S.A. joining
    >          the ICC?
    >[] Yes, I would.
    >[x] No, I would not.
    >[] I Don't know.
    >35.      On June 1, 2004, Los Angeles County,
    >          California, the most populated county in the
    >          U.S.A., with almost ten million (10,000,000)
    >          residents, or more population than the entire
    >          population of forty two (42) states voted to
    >          remove the little cross from their county
    >          seal.  This was a three (3) to two (2)
    >          decision to negotiate with the American Civil
    >          Liberties Union (ACLU) over its threat to sue
    >          unless a small cross is removed from the
    >          county seal, rather than to fight the
    >          threatened lawsuit.
    >          Zev Yaroslavsky one of the three (3) voting
    >          for removal said: "I don't personally believe
    >          that any religious symbol on any government
    >          seal is appropriate."
    >          Do you believe that Christian religious
    >          symbols and names should be removed from city,
    >          county, state, federal government entities in
    >          the U.S.A.?
    >[] Yes, I do.
    >[x] No, I do not.
    >[] I Don't know.
    >36.      There have been attempts by several cities,
    >          such as San Francisco, California and
    >          Washington, DC to have noncitizens, including
    >          illegal aliens, to vote in school board
    >          elections.  The California state constitution
    >          requires that a voter be a U.S.  citizen, to be
    >          eligible to vote.  Do you believe that
    >          noncitizens, including illegal aliens ought to
    >          be given the right to vote?
    >[] Yes, I do.
    >[x] No, I do not.
    >[] I Don't know.
    >37.      There have been several attempts in the last
    >          twenty five (25) years to provide illegal
    >          immigrants with amnesty.  During the 2004
    >          election year, both President George W. Bush
    >          and Senator John Kerry support giving illegal
    >          immigrants amnesty.  Do you support giving
    >          illegal immigrants amnesty?
    >[] Yes, I do.
    >[x] No, I do not.
    >[] I Don't know.
    >38.      You may be required to make political
    >          appointments, you may endorse other candidates.
    >          Candidates accept endorsements  and endorse
    >          others to further their political goals.
    >          This includes but is not limited to help,
    >          either financially or politically, given to
    >          other candidate(s) or appointments to office.
    >          If someone answered or had positions
    >          differently than you did, which of the above
    >          questions in this CFABA.ORG Candidate
    >          Questionnaire (TM) if any, would you be willing
    >          to "agree to disagree" with them on so that you
    >          could appoint them or endorse them?  Please
    >          list the number(s) of the question(s).
    >[x] The number(s) of the question(s) I could "agree
    >      to disagree" on are:
    >[] Except for Question #01 (Why are you running for
    >      this office?), I could not "agree to disagree"
    >      with anyone regarding any of the answers to the
    >      above questions for the purpose of endorsing them
    >      or appointing them.
    >39.      Which one of the following most correctly
    >          describes your philosophy?:
    >[x] I will hold to the answers I have given in this
    >      CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire (TM) even if
    >      they are completely contrary to my political
    >      party's leadership, and even if the U.S. President
    >      of my party is asserting that position.
    >[] I understand in order to accomplish my political
    >      goals, I may need to adjust my positions.
    >      This ends our series of questions.
    >      As stated in the introduction, Citizens For A
    >      Better America (R) "will not endorse any candidate
    >      that does not completely fill out and return this
    >      CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire (TM), complete
    >      our Background Check Form (TM) as well as sign off
    >      that we could say the things about you that we
    >      would normally say in our News Release announcing
    >      our endorsement of your candidacy, in our
    >      FORM (TM).
    >      For an example of how your name would appear on
    >      our website if you filled out and returned
    >      CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire (TM), please
    >      click on the following link:
    >      [http://www.goodguyslist.org/040302ca/index.html]
    >      We require candidates to complete a CFABA.ORG
    >Candidate Questionnaire (TM) each election, this
    >questionnaire is for the next closest primary, general
    >or special election only.
    >      EXAMPLE START:
    >(date): _09_/_27_/2004 and I am signing this e-mail in
    >(city/state):___Van Nuys, California_______________
    >      _John Jones______________________________________
    >      _John Jones, Candidate for Any Town, USA City
    >Council__ (Name Printed, Office Sought Printed)
    >      EXAMPLE END
    >(date): _09_/_28_/2004 and I am signing this e-mail in
    >(city/state):____Anaheim, California________________
    >      Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have
    >      examined this CFABA.ORG Candidate
    >      Questionnaire (TM), including any accompanying
    >      statements, and to the best of my knowledge and
    >      belief, it is true, correct and complete.
    >_____John H.Sterne_________________________________
    >___John H. Sterne, Candidate for State Assembly,
    District 54_______
    >      (Name Printed, Office Sought Printed)
    >      This ends the questions part of our official
    >CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire (TM). Thank you for
    >your time.
    >      Sincerely,
    >      Robert Colaco,
    >      Founder and Volunteer National Chairman
    >      Congressman Bill Dannemeyer,
    >      Honorary National Chairman
    >      Member of the U.S. House of Representatives
    >      from 1979-1992.
    >      Leadership of:
    >      Citizens For A Better America (R)
    >      ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    >This CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire (TM)
    >was sent to you by:
    >Citizens For A Better America (R), CFABA.ORG
    >Publisher of the "HAVE YOU BEEN LIED TO?" (TM) flyer.
    >Federal: F.E.C. ID #: C00278333
    >California: F.P.P.C. ID #: 1265022
    >National Headquarters:
    >PO Box 7647, Van Nuys, California 91409-7647
    >Voice Mail 24/7: (818)757-1776
    >Visit our Candidate's Internet Web Site at:
    >e-mail address:
    >Visit our Main Internet Web Site at:
    >(c) Copyright, 1992-2004.  All Rights Reserved.
    >     Citizens For A Better America (R), CFABA.ORG.  This
    >     has been authorized, paid for and published by
    >     Citizens For A Better America (R).  No permission
    >     implied or expressed is being given for the use or
    >     distribution of this CFABA.ORG Candidate
    >     Questionnaire (TM) by any individual or other
    >     organization other than Citizens For A Better
    >     America (R).  This CFABA.ORG Candidate
    >     Questionnaire (TM) is the sole property of Citizens
    >     For A Better America (R).  This CFABA.ORG Candidate
    >     Questionnaire (TM) and it's distribution has been
    >     paid for by Citizens For A Better America (R) and
    >     it is authorized and controlled by Citizens For A
    >     Better America (R).  It is not authorized by any
    >     candidate or candidate committee.
    >     (TM) = Trademark.  (R) Federally Registered
    >     Trademark at the United States Patents & Trademarks
    >     Office, the Registration Number is: 2500525.
    >     CQ040927.TXT.
    >     The following names are trademarks (TM) or
    >     Registered Trademarks (R) of Citizens For A Better
    >     America or Robert Colaco:
    >     Advanced Endorsement Program (TM).
    >     Basic Endorsement Program (TM).
    >     Background Check Form (TM).
    >     Citizens For A Better America (R).
    >     Commentary and News Release List (TM).
    >     Endorsement News Release Candidate Approval
    >     Form (TM).
    >     Good Guys List (TM).
    >     Have You Been Lied To? (TM).
    >     Absolutely no permission implied or expressed is
    >     being given for the use or distribution of any of
    >     the above names.  You are not authorized to begin
    >     or use any of these names as your own.  As an
    >     example you not authorized to begin a Citizens For
    >     A Better America (R), in your city, county, or
    >     state or anywhere within all the United States of
    >     America (R) and it's territories.
    >     If you violate any of our trademarks we will send
    >     out a News Release to everyone on our Commentary
    >     and News Release (TM) that you have done so.  We
    >     will use the statements within this CFABA.ORG
    >     Candidate Questionnaire (TM) to communicate that
    >     you have violated our trademark.  We also do not
    >     rule out bringing severe legal action against those
    >     violating copyright and trademark laws.  We have
    >     needed to communicate these things because
    >     unfortunately others have violated our copyright
    >     and trademarks.
    >     Thank you for taking the time to read our CFABA.ORG
    >     Candidate Questionnaire (TM) and respecting our
    >     copyrights, trademarks and federally registered
    >     trademarks.
    >     Sincerely,
    >     Robert Colaco,
    >     Founder and Volunteer National Chairman
    >     Congressman Bill Dannemeyer,
    >     Honorary National Chairman
    >     Member of the U.S. House of Representatives
    >     from 1979-1992.
    >     Leadership of:
    >     Citizens For A Better America (R)

    | Copyright ©1992-2018 Citizens For A Better America ® (CFABA.ORG) |
    | Citizens For A Better America (R) is a Registered Trademark. All Rights Reserved   |
    | Paid for and authorized by Citizens For A Better America ® (CFABA.ORG) | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee |
    | Contact Us | E-mail Policy | FEC # C00278333 | FPPC # 1265022 |

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