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    Candidate Questionnaire
    Introduction and Instructions
    As Sent to the Candidates

    The Citizens For A Better America ®

    CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire ™


    This is being e-mailed on _09_/_09_/2004

    Dear Candidate, please return by 06:00 PM (PT), on Friday, 09/10/2004. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> THIS IS NOT SPAM MAIL. This is a Candidate Questionnaire requested by the candidate, family or staff of the candidate at this e-mail Address. Or, it is to a candidate or member of local, city, county, state, or, federal political office. This is a CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire (TM) for the Candidate at this e-mail address. Please, forward immediately to the Candidate or candidates at this e-mail address, thank you. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    Dear Candidate For Public Office:

    Citizens For A Better America (R) with the Acronym of CFABA.ORG is sending you this CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire (TM) to determine the possibility of endorsing your candidacy for public office from the very lowest to the very highest positions anywhere in the United States of America. We are sending it by email because it is the most effective way for us to do it. Beginning in the year 2001, we only send our CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire (TM) via e-mail and we only accept for publication questionnaires sent back to us via e-mail, only to the following e-mail address where you are receiving this questionnaire from, which is [MailTo:Candidate@GoodGuysList.org].

    Below is Instructions and Background type of information about:

    01. Basically, who we are. 02. What we will do with your completed CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire (TM) returned to us. 03. What we will do if we endorse you. 04. Instructions about how to fill out the CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire (TM).

    If you would like to skip reading this entire section and go directly to "Below is the official CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire (TM)." Then you may do so. However, you will be responsible for everything we have told you within the entire "Instructions and Background Section."

    This CFABA.ORG CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE (TM) is being sent to the candidates that we have been able to find e-mail addresses for. We found your e-mail address at the following website address:


    If you wish to not have your e-mail address be public please contact the government agency or any other entity that the website belongs to.

    We are e-mailing this questionnaire to candidates for public office from the very lowest to the very highest political positions all over the United States of America. This is the questionnaire we normally use for candidates for political office no matter what office or where they are running for political office any where in the United States of America.

    If this is not the e-mail address of a candidate then please forward this to the e-mail address of the candidate. If you can not forward it then please let us know what the e-mail address of the candidate is and we will send it to them.

    Citizens For A Better AMERICA (R) is a national, grassroots, independent, nonconnected political committee, founded on October 15, 1992. We are not controlled or authorized by any political party, candidate, labor union or corporation. Part of our mission is to elect candidates from the very lowest to the very highest political positions all over the United States of America.

    You, as a Candidate are invited to seek our endorsement. That endorsement will appear on our Good Guys List (TM) everywhere that we published that list. That could include our various websites, our vast Commentary and News Release List (TM) as well as our HAVE YOU BEEN LIED TO? (TM) flyer .

    Beginning with the November 4, 2003 election we added a new feature. In addition to listing our endorsed candidates on our Good Guys List (TM) we posted to our internet website(s) a copy of every completed CFABA.ORG CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE (TM).

    Also Beginning with the November 4, 2003 election we began rating candidates in comparison to Citizens For A Better America (R) standards for endorsement. For example, if your answers are One Hundred Percent (100%) comparable to our standards, which means that you are endorseable we will send you via e-mail, CFABA.ORG Background Check Form (TM). You will need to fill out that form out to move along in our endorsement process. If however, your answers were only 78.346% comparable then you would not be endorseable but we would list your name, the ranking you received, a copy of your CFABA.ORG CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE (TM) with its answers, on our website(s).

    To see a sample of what we did for the August 24, 2004 election you can click on the following link: [http://www.goodguyslist.org/040824ak/index.html]. This is the same type of format we are using for other primary elections throughout the U.S.A. for 2004.

    Voters in the past have wanted to know how candidates in their area had answered our questions, this is our way of providing that information. We will inform you via our Commentary and News Release List (TM) when and where it is posted.

    If we publish and print our HAVE YOU BEEN LIED TO? (TM) flyer then all the same parameters that we described above would apply to that publication as well. You can view previous flyer articles published in our HAVE YOU BEEN LIED TO? (TM) flyer by clicking on the following link at: [http://www.HAVEYOUBEENLIEDTO.org]. When we have printed and distributed our HAVE YOU BEEN LIED TO? (TM) flyers to help elect our endorsed candidates they have changed vote counts by five (5) to thirty (30) percent within the precincts they were distributed in versus precincts that they were not.

    If you would like to seek our endorsement then you will need to fill out and send this CFABA.ORG CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE (TM) back to us with your signature by e-mail. We do consider that you have signed this document if you properly fill out the bottom section in the signature area. See below for more information about what we consider a legal signature via e-mail.

    If we are sending you this CFABA.ORG CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE (TM) within ten (10) days or less you will need to return it as early as within twenty four (24) hours of the date and time we are sending it to you. If it is within thirty (30) days or less until of your election then you will need to return it no later than three (3) days from the date and time we sent it to you, (Pacific Time). If your election is 31-60 days from today, then you will have ten (10) days to respond. If your election is 61 days or longer from today then you have 14 days to respond. For example, if the date on this e-mail is 19 days before your election then you will need to send it back complete no later than 72 hours from the time stamp on the e-mail you received. The date and time can be found in the e-mail header.

    Why the short time line for you to respond? Every candidate faces time pressures. It is our desire to be fair to all the candidates and give them an opportunity to seek our endorsement, but at the same time we do not want to potentially hold up an endorsement of a candidate because we are waiting weeks on end for the other candidates to fill out and return our CFABA.ORG CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE (TM). This is just not fair or wise. In addition, we face time constraints in publishing to our web site. We want to publish all the questionnaires we receive back but we may only be able to publish those that we receive on time.

    Another reason for the short time frame, if after every election, we evaluate our CFABA.ORG CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE (TM) to continue to make certain that we are communicating what we are attempting to communicate with our questions. If we receive either questions, comments or complaints, we will look into those and make whatever changes that are necessary to make sure that we are being as excellent as we can be in our communication process. If we discover that we can improve on either a question or the entire communication process, we will hold up sending out new and updated CFABA.ORG CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE (TM). It is not our desire to trick candidates. It is always our desire and goal to be as excellent as we can be in our communication.

    We do not remove old documents from our website after an election. We consider them historical and they will remain on the site for as long as our websites are up on the internet. We will not publish any CFABA.ORG CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE (TM) which violates public decency standards. That means if it can not be read by minors we will not publish it. While some of the issues we deal with are not for small children we want to remain family friendly.

    We will wait the above time lines before we make any endorsement(s), but we could be endorsing in your race as early as that point. If we receive your completed CFABA.ORG CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE (TM) after our deadline we can not guarantee that we will not already be in the process of endorsing someone else in your race, so please return your CFABA.ORG CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE (TM) on time.

    What happens if you do not respond within that time? If we have already made an endorsement in your race, then we would not have had the opportunity to discover how you would have answered our CFABA.ORG CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE (TM). However, if we have not made an endorsement in your race yet then as time permits we would like to do just that.

    What happens if more than one seat is open? If your race has the opportunity for voters to vote for more than one candidate, such as for school board and the top three vote getters will be elected then we would be able to endorse as many as three candidates in that race. If you send in your CFABA.ORG CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE (TM) you may qualify to be one of those candidates.

    Many candidates ask us what will we do for them, if they fill out and send back to us our CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire (TM)?

    If you receive a 100% rating then you will move forward in our endorsement process. If you receive less than a 100% rating then we will publish your completed CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire (TM) and rating on our website(s).


    01. Many voters believe as we do that they respect a candidate more if they take stand on political issues. Especially tough stands on the issues we ask in our questionnaire.

    02. You will get "free advertising." What that simply means is that your completed CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire (TM) will remain on our website(s) for months and years to come as absolutely no expense to you.

    03. You will literally receive your own "Webpage on our website." That very simply means that you will be able to link to that page. We believe that candidates for office should take stands on political issues. We also believe that those same candidates would like to tell their friends, neighbors, co-workers how they stand on their completed CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire (TM).

    04. You can in essence tell the world what you received as a ranking from CFABA.ORG. A couple of examples from the March 02, 2004 California election are: Brian Holtz who received a 29.412% ranking, the lowest ranking for that election. You can view his questionnaire on his very own webpage on our website by clicking on http://www.goodguyslist.org/040302ca/0401013.htm! Another example is Marge Mendoza-Ware who received a 100% ranking, the highest ranking for that election and was endorsed by CFABA.ORG. Again, you can view her questionnaire on her very own webpage on our website by clicking on You can view his questionnaire on our webpage by clicking on http://www.goodguyslist.org/040302ca/0401028.htm!

    If we endorse you, your name is automatically placed on our "GOOD GUYS LIST" (TM). Your name will appear listed with the other candidates we have endorsed. This is our list of endorsements. You may or may not have endorsed others that appear on the list. Since we can endorse candidates from all political parties, candidates may appear on the list from a party other than yours.

    Citizens For A Better AMERICA (R) leadership controls all endorsements and the content of everything published and distributed and is not authorized by any candidate or any candidate committee. Citizens For A Better America (R) has paid for and authorizes all communications.

    All endorsed candidates are allowed to use our name as having endorsed them for that election either local, primary, general or special.

    Immediately upon receiving our endorsement we will e-mail to you an endorsement letter, which you can use as having received our endorsement. Also, as we stated above, we will put your name on our "Good Guys List" (TM) wherever we would normally publish that list.

    We can also send you via regular mail an endorsement letter on our letterhead. We have had candidates take and copy that letter in it's entirety and copy it for distribution in their literature as well as for their Internet Web Sites, which we allow. If you would need such a letter, please request it from us.

    If you are running for party committee where only party members or delegates in a Convention or a Caucus would be able to vote for you then we would want to e-mail at our expense our endorsement News Release to everyone in your political party, but you will need to supply us a list if we do not have it.

    We consider all of these activities to be what we will do for your under our Basic Endorsement Program (TM). See below for information regarding our Complete Endorsement Program (TM).

    The activities we do under our Basic Endorsement Program (TM) such as calling candidates, e-mailing them a CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire (TM), broadcast e-mailing out our News Releases announcing our endorsements of our candidates, etc., are paid for by our members who commit to helping us with a minimum commitment of $5.00 a month, $60.00 a year.

    The Federal Elections Commission and most State Elections Finance Commissions, consider the publishing and distributing our "HAVE YOU BEEN LIED?" (TM) flyer to be an in-kind contribution to you as an endorsed candidate. However, only the portion of our "HAVE YOU BEEN LIED?" (TM) flyer that advocates your election is allocated as the amount we report as an in-kind contribution.

    We consider this to be our Advanced Endorsement Program (TM) and under this program contributions are reported to the appropriate federal and state agencies, and limits will be honored where applicable. We will only report these in-kind contributions if you directly benefit from this. As an example, only if we distribute or give you to distribute flyers in your district will we report it.

    We have stated up front what we want to do for the candidates we endorse, so that you will know our intentions before you seek our endorsement. We do hope you will do just that, seek our endorsement.

    By endorsing your candidacy we are actually telling our constituency, the general public, and our membership that you deserve to be on our "GOOD GUYS LIST" (TM) and you are worthy to be voted for. We take this very seriously. We do not endorse the lesser of two evils. If we do not find someone worthy, we do not endorse. We are staking our reputation on you being worthy of our support.

    We will not endorse any candidate that does not completely fill out and return this CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire (TM), complete our Background Check Form (TM) as well as sign off on our ENDORSEMENT NEWS RELEASE CANDIDATE APPROVAL FORM (TM) telling us that we can say the things about you in our news release announcing our endorsement of your candidacy.

    As you will see the questions that we will be asking you are generic questions that we could ask any candidate for any office, (from the very lowest to the very highest political positions all over the United States of America). We have done this purposefully and with determined intent.

    You may feel some of the questions that we ask are out of your purview for the office that you seek, but it is our experience and strong belief that they are not. Every one of the questions that we are asking you is very important to us. We hope to find out your current views on the issues that concern Americans.

    We under no circumstances or conditions believe that it is not appropriate and fitting for us, CFABA.ORG to ask the questions that we are asking you.

    It is our policy not to do anything to communicate to the candidate who receive this CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire (TM) what the correct answers ought to be or should be. We believe that is wrong. So, if you would like to go to our links page where we have listed both organizations that share our viewpoints as well as organizations that do not you may do so by clicking on the following link: [http://www.CFABA.org/cf08000.htm].

    It is not our goal to send you more than one copy of this document. However, if you are candidate from more than one political office or if the political office you are candidate for is in more than one county you might actually receive more than one copy of this document. You could also receive more than one copy if we are going through more than one list of candidates. You can put all the different office(s) such as Central Committee and Congress, that you are running for on the offices line. You only need to send us one filled in CFABA.ORG CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE (TM) per election.

    If you are not a part of our Commentary and News Release List (TM) you will automatically be added to that list, so that you will automatically receive a News Release of any endorsement(s) that we make. Or, any News Release informing the general public or the thousands on our Commentary and News Release List (TM) about the availability of your CFABA.ORG CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE (TM) on our website(s). If you would like to be removed from that list, all you need to do is follow the instructions within each document to be removed, and we will remove your e-mail address from our distribution list.

    If you have previously asked to be removed from that list and you are now a candidate for office in another election like a general election then you will need to ask to be removed again, because we normally add candidates to our list again for any new election.

    If your election is in a short period of time, then when you send your CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire (TM) back to us you may also want to follow it up with a voice mail message to our national headquarters at (818) 757-1776. This is a voice mail number and you are free to call it 24/7. We are unable to answer this phone number directly. We will however get your message and are able to deal with your message or return your phone call if we find that to be necessary. Please confirm to us that you e-mailing your CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire (TM). We consider the CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire (TM) to be properly filed as long as it is sent via e-mail.

    Sincerely, Robert Colaco Volunteer National Chairman, Founder

    Congressman Bill Dannemeyer Honorary National Chairman Congressman Bill Dannemeyer served in the US House of Representative from 1979 to 1992.

    Citizens For A Better America (R), with the acronym of CFABA.ORG! The Leadership of Citizens For A Better America (R) You can see pictures of the leadership by clicking on the following link: [http://www.cfaba.org/cf01002.htm]


    A. You must answer every question.

    B. We consider your printed e-mail signature to be legally binding. This CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire (TM) must be completed and signed by the candidate only.

    You must date when you signed the form and write the City and State you did so in. Not doing so renders this CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire (TM) incomplete and not accepted by Citizens For A Better America (R).

    C. Please answer all the questions as briefly, honestly, accountably & completely as possible. Every question is important to us, read it carefully and research it completely if you need to.

    D. Please type your answers so we can read what you have written. Spelling, punctuation errors will not be corrected. We will post it as you have sent it to us.

    E. To fill in and complete this questionnaire you need to use the Reply aspect of your e-mail program rather than a word processor. The procedure to do that is as follows:

    1. Use the reply aspect of you e-mail program to produce a copy of the CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire (TM) that you can edit.

    2. DO NOT edit any of the actual questions this will automatically disqualify your questionnaire from being placed on our website and disqualify you from a possible endorsement.

    3. Within reply you have the ability to add to the e-mail document by clicking where you want to type and typing.

    4. For the record, WE NEVER OPEN ATTACHED FILES!!

    F. DO NOT rewrite the question. Doing so violates the Copyrighted nature of this CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire (TM) because if you then submitted that same question to another individual or group they would not know that is it the Copyrighted property of Citizens For A Better America (R), and all rights are reserved to this CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire (TM). You are also not authorized to distribute or post this questionnaire or it's question(s) on the Internet or by any other means without our written permission. Please do not alter it in anyway, this will automatically disqualify you along with blatantly violating our instructions.

    G. We consider your properly signed copy of your completed CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire (TM). via e-mail to be legally binding. Before you send it to us realize that you are signing this CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire (TM) under the penalties of perjury.

    H. Please return your completed CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire (TM) back to us ASAP so we can begin the process. We may e-mail you notification that we have a problem with your transmission but ultimately it is your responsibility make sure it is sent properly.

    I. You must send us your filled in CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire (TM) by E-mail in the body of the e- mail and not by attached file. We do not accept questionnaires returned to us by any other means.

    J. Please do not call our office unless you have a transmission problem. We do not want to appear to be giving preferential treatment to any candidate therefore we cannot respond to your call.

    This ends our instructions. Below is the official CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire (TM).

    To see the CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire™
    2006 General Election


    (c) Copyright, 1992-2004.  All Rights Reserved.
        Citizens For A Better America (R), CFABA.ORG.  This
        has been authorized, paid for and published by
        Citizens For A Better America (R).  No permission
        implied or expressed is being given for the use or
        distribution of this CFABA.ORG Candidate
        Questionnaire (TM) by any individual or other
        organization other than Citizens For A Better
        America (R).  This CFABA.ORG Candidate
        Questionnaire (TM) is the sole property of Citizens
        For A Better America (R).  This CFABA.ORG Candidate
        Questionnaire (TM) and it's distribution has been
        paid for by Citizens For A Better America (R) and
        it is authorized and controlled by Citizens For A
        Better America (R).  It is not authorized by any
        candidate or candidate committee.
        (TM) = Trademark.  (R) Federally Registered
        Trademark at the United States Patents & Trademarks
        Office, the Registration Number is: 2500525.

    | Copyright ©1992-2018 Citizens For A Better America ® (CFABA.ORG) |
    | Citizens For A Better America (R) is a Registered Trademark. All Rights Reserved   |
    | Paid for and authorized by Citizens For A Better America ® (CFABA.ORG) | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee |
    | Contact Us | E-mail Policy | FEC # C00278333 | FPPC # 1265022 |

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