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    Candidate Questionnaire
    As Received from the Candidate

    The Citizens For A Better America ®

    CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire ™


    My name will appear on the ballot as?: Robert W. Lewis Director Water District.

    I am running for the office of?: Rowland Unified School Board

    In the State of?: California

    My name will appear on the 11/04/2003 ballot [XX] YES, [__] NO.

    My phone number is?:(562) 477-4105

    My e-mail address is aiplewis@aol.com

    I reside in the County of Los Angeles

    My mailing address is 2231-8 Fullerton Road

    City of Rowland Hgts

    State CA Zip 91748

    If applicable and I am endorsed by CFABA.ORG, please consider extending my endorsement through the Final Election. (As an example if you are seeking our endorsement for the Primary Election then you would want CFABA.ORG to consider endorsing you, if you win the Primary Election, for the General Election).

    [XX] YES, [__] NO.

    If elected would there be any reason for you not to be able to serve out your entire term? As an example, some pending legal, health, or other problem.

    [__] YES, [XX] NO.


    01. Why are you running for this office? (We will post the answer to this question on our Internet Website, see the example of one endorsed candidate at [http://www.GoodGuysList.org/gg00031.htm]

    *Stop the Rowland Unified School Board Policy of Subsidizing Growth and Developer Profits *Have member of the Board who has a fiscal record of Balancing a Community Service Budget without Borrowing (Debt) *Have a board member with Public and Private sector record of negotiating Equitable (Fair) employment contracts

    02. There are efforts to legalize currently illegal drugs. What are your thoughts about such legislation?

    [ ] Support, [ XX ] Oppose, [ ] I Don't know.

    03. All candidates for public office when elected are faced with very difficult decisions about how, when and where to spend the funds of the entity that they have just been elected to. Can you really make the tough decisions not only now but in the future when it's a lot harder in your political life to balance the budgets, cut staffs, make cutbacks and so on, even if you are opposed by the entities employees, the media and even part of the general public?

    [XX ] Yes, [ ] No, [ ] I Don't know.

    04. On November 20, 1993, the U.S. Congress and President passed the NORTH AMERICAN FREE TRADE AGREEMENT (NAFTA), H.R. 3450. What is your position regarding legislation like H.R. 3450?

    [ ] Support, [XX] Oppose, [ ] I Don't know.

    05. On December 1, 1994, the U.S. Congress and President passed the URUGUAY ROUND AGREEMENTS ACT, H.R. 5110. The Senate record vote analysis says the following: "The World Trade Organization (WTO) will serve as the successor to the GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) to implement the agreements reached in the Uruguay Round." What is your position regarding legislation like H.R. 5110?

    [ ] I Support the whole agreement, [XX] I Oppose the whole agreement, [ ] I Oppose the WTO portion but support the GATT portion, [ ] I Don't know.

    06. There are current attempts in various states to have the states call a U.S. Constitutional Convention. What are your thoughts about a U.S. Constitutional Convention?

    [ ] I would support it, if I supported the amendment, the U.S. Constitutional Convention was called for.

    [XX] I would oppose it, even if I supported the amendment, the U.S. Constitutional Convention was called for.

    [ ] I Don't know.

    07. What is your position on abortion?

    Are you: [XX] Pro-choice, or [ ] Pro-life?

    08. Describe in detail your stand on abortion, how will your public policy reflect your personal stand? (Must be answered) I support the existing Former Governor of California Ronald Reagan abortion law. The law which is the model for both protecting the unborn, the medical necessity of the women and clearly defined the role of government in this most private of personal rights. Unfortunately the law is never followed!

    09. What is your position on the legalization of homosexual marriage, civil union, or registered partner legislation?

    [ ] Support, [XX ] Oppose, [ ] I Don't know.

    10. There are current efforts in various levels of government to add "affectional or sexual orientation" or similar language to either civil rights or employment laws. What are your thoughts about such law changes?

    [ ] Support, [XX] Oppose, [ ] I Don't know.

    11. I believe that parents who take their kids out of the public education system or who never put them in the public education system because they are home schoolers should be... (please complete)

    [XX] Supported, [ ] Opposed, [ ] I Don't know.

    12. Given recent Supreme Court rulings which have prohibited prayer in public schools, would you support either the use of Article III, Section 2.2 of the U.S. Constitution to exempt the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in such cases, or a law by the U.S. Congress which would allow voluntary prayer in public schools and the posting of the Ten Commandments on the walls of public school classrooms and courtrooms?

    [ ] Yes, I would support it. [XX] No, I would not support it. [ ] I Don't know.

    13. On May 5, 1994, the U.S. Congress and President passed H.R. 4296, "Assault Weapons Ban". The 1994 CQ (Congressional Quarterly) Almanac states that passage of this bill would "ban the manufacture and possession of 19 types of semiautomatic weapons and high- capacity weapons and high-capacity ammunition clips but exempt existing guns and about 670 guns that are deemed to have a legitimate sporting purpose." What is your position regarding legislation like H.R. 4296?

    [ ] Support, [XX] Oppose, [ ] I Don't know.

    14. President George W. Bush and the two previous Presidents, Clinton and Bush have been advocates of Goals 2000 as a method of education reform. What are your thoughts about Goals 2000?

    [ ] I support it, completely, [ ] I support most of it, but not all of it, [XX] I oppose it, completely, [ ] I oppose most of it, but not all of it, [ ] I Don't know.

    15. President Clinton and the majority of Congress in the summer of 1997 approved Most Favored Nation (MFN) status for Mainland China, in the hopes that opening up trade with them would motivate them to stop their human rights violations and religious persecution. That status became permanent in 2000. If it were reverted back to being voted on annually, how would you vote?

    [ ] I would support giving China MFN status. [XX] I Oppose giving China MFN status. [ ] I Don't know.

    16. Congressman Don Young on February 27, 1997 reintroduced "The American Land Sovereignty Protection Act of 1997", H.R. 901 to reverse the Clinton Administration policy of being able to put 46 U.S. National Parks under United Nations Control. What is your position regarding legislation like H.R. 901?

    [XX] Support, [ ] Oppose, [ ] I Don't know.

    17. On October 10, 1995 the U.S. Army commanded Army Specialist Michael New to exchange the uniform of the U.S. Army for that of the United Nations. Army Specialist Michael New refused and the U.S. Army court-martialled and gave him a Bad Conduct Discharge for making this decision. What is your position regarding Army decisions like this?

    [ ] Support, [XX] Oppose, [ ] I Don't know.

    18. Individuals, Organizations including but not limited to Universities, and Companies, in the U.S.A. as well as around the world are attempting to clone human beings. What is your position concerning human cloning?

    [ ] Yes, in order to aid research I support human cloning. [ ] No, I believe that human cloning is immoral and should be opposed. [XX] I Don't know.

    19. On August 09, 2001, President George W. Bush announced that he will support Stem Cell Research. What is your position regarding federal government funding and involvement allowing Stem Cell Research?

    [XX] Support, [ ] Oppose, [ ] I Don't know.

    20. Since the events of 09/11/2001 there has been great discussion about the United State's dependence on foreign oil. There is great concern that dependence on imported oil especially from countries in the Middle Eastern area of the World has brought about a debate about what we as a country ought to do to solve this great challenge. Will you support all efforts for conservation and ways to increase the United States of America's own resources of oil exploration?

    [XX] Yes, I would support efforts. [ ] No, I oppose these efforts. [ ] I Don't know.

    21. Before the events of 09/11/2001 and after there have been calls for the U.S.A. to have everyone have and be able to show a National Identification (ID) Card. Will you support the U.S.A. issuing a National Identification Card?

    [ ] Yes, I support such efforts. [XX] No, I do not support such efforts. [ ] I Don't know.

    22. In response to 09/11/2001, should the U.S., independently of the United Nations, diplomatically, commercially and if necessary militarily pursue the identification, location and elimination of the terrorists network anywhere in the world?

    [XX] Yes, I would support such efforts. [ ] No, I would not support such efforts. [ ] I Don't know.

    23. It has been proposed that the United Nations implement taxes or fees on world commerce or the nations of the world. Do you support such proposals?

    [ ] Yes, I would support such proposals. [ XX ] No, I would not support such proposals. [ ] I Don't know.

    24. You may be aware that Unsolicited E-Mails that are Pornographic or are invitations to Pornographic Internet Websites are now sent indiscriminately to E-Mail addresses without any concern as to whether the recipients are minors. To protect minors would you support law(s) against sending Unsolicited (i.e. without individuals signing up to receive such E-Mails) pornographic or sexual type E-Mails?

    [XX] Yes, I would support such laws. [ ] No, I would not support such laws. [ ] I Don't know.

    25. On June 26, 2002 the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco, California issued a ruling that it is "unconstitutional" to recite the Pledge of Allegiance with the word God in schools with the word God in public gatherings, because it violates the myth of separation of church and state. What is your position concerning this decision?

    [ ] Yes, I believe that the decision was correct. [XX] No, I believe that the decision was wrong. [ ] I Don't know.

    26. On May 28, 2002 the Cypress City Council in California with the Board of Directors of the Cypress Redevelopment agency voted to condemn the land purchased for the construction of a new Church building by Cottonwood Christian Center. The city intended to give Cottonwood's property to Costco, or a developer that builds a tax-generating facility. Do you support the decision made by Cypress City governmental bodies to take the Church's property by Eminent Domain?

    [ ] Yes, I believe that the decision was correct. [XX] No, I believe that the decision was wrong. [ ] I Don't know.

    27. On February 21, 2002 the City of Pico Rivera, California announced in a News Release that U.S. District Court Judge Dickran Tevrizian ruled against the City's ability to regulate adult-oriented businesses within their jurisdiction. Do you believe that a city has the ability to regulate adult oriented establishments within its jurisdiction?

    [XX] Yes, I do. "note as they do all other businesses." [ ] No, I do not. [ ] I Don't know.

    28. There have been efforts in various states to allow illegal aliens to obtain driver's licenses. The proponents of such moves communicate that providing driver's licenses for illegal aliens will make our streets and highways safer. Opponents believe it will not. Do you believe that illegal aliens ought to be able to obtain driver's licenses?

    [ ] Yes, I do. [XX] No, I do not. [ ] I Don't know.

    29. Recently there has been renewed debate about teaching creation as well as evolution in public schools.

    A spokesman for Vice President Al Gore in August 1999 announced that the vice president "favors the teaching of evolution in the public schools," adding the decision should be local and "localities should be free to teach creationism as well."

    President Clinton through his spokesman, Joe Lockhart said: "I think the president believes the curriculum is by law and by all common practice left to local school boards," White House Press Secretary Joe Lockhart said. "I think the president believes, that the local school boards, though, are bound by the law of the land and the Supreme Court has spoken very clearly on this issue."

    Do you believe that the Local Board of Education or the State Board of Education should have the right to allow the teaching of creationism and evolution on an equal basis?

    [XX] Yes, I do. [ ] No, I do not. [ ] I Don't know.

    30. On October 26, 2001, President Bush signed the USA Patriot Act (USAPA) into law after its passage through the Congress of the United States of America. There has been some debate since then that the provisions allowing for surveillance on Americans went too far in the passage of USAPA. Which one of the following most correctly describes your philosophy?:

    [ ] In time of war, I believe that the government of the United States should be given whatever power they need to combat terrorism even if there are challenges to the Bill of Rights in the Constitution.

    [XX] I believe that the founding fathers of the United States put in checks and balances into our government such as the Constitution and especially the first ten amendments also called "The Bill of Rights," and those should not be eliminated.

    31. You may be required to make political appointments, you may endorse other candidates. Candidates accept endorsements and endorse others to further their political goals. This includes but is not limited to help, either financially or politically, given to other candidate(s) or appointments to office. If someone answered or had positions differently than you did, which of the above questions in this CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire (TM) if any, would you be willing to "agree to disagree" with them on so that you could appoint them or endorse them? Please list the number(s) of the question(s).

    [ ] The number(s) of the question(s) I could "agree to disagree" on are 5, 15, 17 ____________________________________.

    [ ] Except for Question #01 (Why are you running for this office?), I could not "agree to disagree" with anyone regarding any of the answers to the above questions for the purpose of endorsing them or appointing them. 21 & 30

    32. Which one of the following most correctly describes your philosophy?:

    [XX] I will hold to the answers I have given in this CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire (TM) even if they are completely contrary to my political party's leadership, and even if the U.S. President of my party is asserting that position.

    [ ] I understand in order to accomplish my political goals, I may need to adjust my positions.

    This ends our series of questions.

    As stated in the introduction, Citizens For A Better America (R) "will not endorse any candidate that does not completely fill out and return this CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire (TM), complete our Background Check Form (TM) as well as sign off that we could say the things about you that we would normally say in our News Release announcing our endorsement of your candidacy, in our ENDORSEMENT NEWS RELEASE CANDIDATE APPROVAL FORM (TM).

    For an example of the what we would say about you in our News Release announcing our endorsement of your candidacy if we endorsed you, you can see one at [http://www.cfaba.org/cf06002.htm]

    We require candidates to complete a CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire (TM) each election, this questionnaire is for the next closest primary, general or special election only.






    I HAVE COMPLETED THE ABOVE QUESTIONNAIRE ON (date): _10_/_25_/2003 and I am signing this e-mail in (city/state):___Van Nuys, California_______________

    _John Jones______________________________________ (E-Signature) MUST BE SIGNED BY CANDIDATE ONLY

    _John Jones, Candidate for Any Town, USA City Council__ (Name Printed, Office Sought Printed)




    I HAVE COMPLETED THE ABOVE QUESTIONNAIRE ON (date): 10/27/2003 and I am signing this e-mail in (city/state):__Rowland Hgts, CA 91748

    Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire (TM), including any accompanying statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct and complete.

    Robert Lewis (E-Signature) MUST BE SIGNED BY CANDIDATE ONLY

    Robert Lewis, Rowland Unified School District, Board _______________________________________________________ (Name Printed, Office Sought Printed)

    This ends our official CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire (TM). Thank you for your time.


    Robert Colaco, Founder and Volunteer National Chairman

    Congressman Bill Dannemeyer, Honorary National Chairman Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from 1979-1992.

    Leadership of: Citizens For A Better America (R)


    This CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire ™ was sent to you by:
    Citizens For A Better America ®, CFABA.ORG
    Publisher of the "HAVE YOU BEEN LIED TO?" ™ flyer.
    F.E.C. ID #: C00278333

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